Too Full of Joy to Die

How to LIVE! When You Are Dying

Meet Jim!  He should have been dead 3 times by now.  He has been battling Pancreatic Cancer for 2 plus years.  Yep, He’s been given the death sentence from doctors and lab tests.  But,… even more powerful event is going on with Jim.  He’s been given a life sentence by God,……. a life sentence filled with JOY and PEACE.

Jim truly lives each minute of every day by seeking joy while here on this Earth.  I’ve honestly come to realize that Jim is seeking joy, but joy is seeking Jim wherever he goes.

Several years ago,I asked him what changed in his life when he was given the “dreaded news” of Cancer.  My particular question was, “Did you start praying”?  Did you start praying HARDER???”  He told me that since he was already a praying man, that nothing really changed, he just planned on keeping on praying as he has always done.  Wow, a man walking with God through thick and thin.

Something else from Jim.  “When you lose your future you no longer dwell on the past, that leaves only the present. ” (That’s deep thinking for me and you, but it’s deep living for Jim.

He’s explained to me that since his life “is over” he devotes his time and energy to restore, to renew, to rebuild others.  He gets such a deep sense of joy from living like this. What a way of truly living your life.  I’d of never thought of living that way.  Living your life helping others,……. just like Jesus would do.  Oh, wait, that’s called living like a Christian.

And this subject of DEATH.  I deal with it like every body else in the good ole USA.  I never think about it, …..act as if it will never happen to me.

Jim explained it to me this way.  Dan, (insert your name here _______), dying for me will be like this.  I’ll cross a bridge on my journey that I’ve not crossed before.  YOU CAN’T CROSS IT WITH ME!  Not just yet anyways.  Crossing this bridge will seem like a big step for you.  But for me it’s just a  continuing of my journey.

Jim is a strong believer in Christ.  He tells me he doesn’t intend to live like he is dying.  That’s so obvious Jim, my friend.  You inspire others more than you will ever know.

Hey!  You folks out there reading this.  Do you want to talk with Jim yourself?  Are you dying from a dreaded disease?  Are you running out of time because of something this world has thrown at you and into your life?  I’ll give you Jim’s phone number.  He can restore the joy into your life just by talking and sharing with you.  He seriously doesn’t have the time.  But what time God gives him, he turns around and gives to others.

I’m glad God placed Jim in my path on my Christian journey.  I’m fighting things of this world that try to steal my joy.  Big things like a flat tire, delays, spilling my coffee, a deer hitting my truck.  These things are stealing my joy.   I feel like such a pansy.  Instead of whining about losing my joy, maybe, like Jim, I should be growing it more!!

Jim is fighting, no battling, no Jim is LIVING his life in a way that his JOY is increased each day.  LIVE ON JIM!!!   You inspire me as well as all around you.

You have not only have you brought joy into my life.  God Himself has been pleased by you.  Your Heavenly Father is pleased with His child named Jim.  You give Him joy by how you live.  Well done!!

John 11:25  Jesus said…… he that believes in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live…

We will meet you again on the other side.  The journey will continue…….


See Ya!  Dan Ainsworth wilderness preacher (filled with joy)


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5 thoughts on “Too Full of Joy to Die

  1. Beautifully written and explained. So inspirational in such a unique lovely way. Thank you Jim for your living testimony, I hope and pray when I have to go through this, I am an inspiration to others also. I want my life to be a “celebration”, not a mourning time.
    Love to to Jim and your family and friends, I know how much you mean to Bill!!

  2. Thanks for the reminder. I have been in that “place” that Jim lives in. It was pretty scary and then it wasn’t. It was a very peaceful way to live. The longer I live, I forget to live in the joy and peace. Love reading your blog.