The Pain of Not Measuring Up

Why I hate Mapquest

I Hate Mapquest and all those driving destination apps.  First of all, do the math.  The only way to arrive at the destination in the time it’s estimating is for me to  drive faster than the speed limit!!  Also, it doesn’t take into account traffic stops, rest stops, heavy traffic, sight seeing, getting gas, lunch breaks etc.,etc.  The driving app is only telling me that I am already behind schedule and that there is no way I can keep up.

Try as I may, there is nothing but pain involved when I use Mapquest.  I sincerely want to know how far and how long it’s going to take me to travel to my location of choice.  But,……….. I never arrive in the scheduled time shown to me.  It’s as if my foot can’t stay on the gas pedal hard enough, or all the red lights are against me, or the construction crews picked today to jump on the one project that’s between me and my destination.

The use of this “driving with directions” app is supposed to help me be more efficient with my time.  Yet, all it does is bring me pain.  I will never measure up to my expectations.

 But Martha was distracted with much serving. And she went up to him and said, “Lord, do you not care that my sister has left me to serve alone? Tell her then to help me.”  But the Lord answered her, “Martha, Martha, you are anxious and troubled about many things, ….   Luke 10: 40, 41

Martha was “hard at work”, “trying her best”, “doing all she could”.  Martha was so busy being busy that she was missing her time to be with Jesus.  Worse than that, Martha was so busy trying to “do good”, that it was causing her to be anxious and troubled.  Martha was distracted, so instead of coming to Jesus to BE with Him, she came to Jesus to ask if He would get her sister to be more like her.  

Did you get that?  What just happened?  Let’s back up, cause you may have missed what Martha did,……… and YOU may be missing what YOU yourself are doing.  God’s good, I’m not, and I need to do something to make myself better is not the intended journey of a Christian.

This Christian journey you and I are on, this journey is not a race.  It’s an adventure, it’s a time with God, it’s a daily experience to be with God in your life.  When we feel that we have to “Mapquest” our spiritual life, we suddenly turn doing good, being good, and trying to be better into a driving force that literally drives us away from the true relationship with Christ.  While trying too hard to be good may seem like a “good thing”, like Mary it distracts us.  And,…….. it leads to anxiety and troubles.

The focus on your spiritual journey should not be on how fast, ( or how good) you are.  If being good is all that you see in being a Christian, then you are also distracted.

Focus on living as a Christian each and everyday. Being God’s creation is just as important as “doing” things for God.  You can’t do enough for God, right?  He’s already the one who’s done enough.

But can you BE enough for God?  Sure can.  By calling Him your Father.  Having a relationship…… a true living relationship.  A talking to and listening to Him relationship.  Calling on Him as your Heavenly Father allows you to BE his child!

Doing good things, trying to be good for goodness sake only leads to anxiety and troubles.  I did something really good, but now I’ve got to do something more.  It never stops, never ceases.  It can become your idol.

Being a Christian in a relationship with Christ leads to joy and peace.  As a by-product of this joy and peace comes a desire to “do good to others”.  Big Difference!!  You actually may be doing the same good deeds as before, but it’s now done because of Christ in your heart.  You are “doing” good deeds because of who He is , not who or what you’re trying to be.

This Christian journey is one where Jesus is with you every step of the way.  No need for a Mapquest, no need for a “good deed”score sheet.  No need for the anxiety and troubles.

“Lord, be with each of us today.  Help us to see where we can BE with you.  Help us to see if there is something we should DO as we are being your children.  I’ll never measure up, but thank you Lord, you’ve taken care of that!!

See Ya!  Dan Ainsworth

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One thought on “The Pain of Not Measuring Up

  1. You need to write an entire series on this subject! As always, thank you for pointing out the obvious to me…that I never seem to see. Hope everything is well “way of over there.” Maybe I’ll use the Mapquest to come see you one day! ha