That Sinking Feeling

What you see is what’s left of the ladder going to my Mother’s attic.  The step I was standing on broke. Then, two more steps broke under me as I made a short but intense journey down to the floor.  I know it was quick, but I remember thinking “This is gonna hurt”.  A big scratch from one of the now exposed nails, a slight twist of the ankle, a bruised tailbone (what, I still have a tail!), and hurt pride were my results from this encounter with the attic ladder.  I didn’t fall very far, but it was far enough.

My Mother needed help getting the Christmas tree and decorations down from the attic.  I’ve always like going back up in the attic.  Lots of memories up there.  Shucks, some of my toys from fifty years ago are still up there.  Today my assignment was to bring down the Christmas tree, lights, decorations, etc. for this years’ time of celebration.  To get to all the “stuff” that is in the attic, you have to pass through the gatekeeper.  You must climb the only source available to get to the attic.  That source?  An over 50 year old flimsy ladder.

It wasn’t a big surprise.  I had actually replaced a couple of steps a few years back. (Just didn’t replace the step I was standing on that broke).

What was amazing to me was how my brain was working.  In a split second it went from singing “I’ll be Home for Christmas”, to thinking I’m Fixin’ to Be on the Floor for Christmas.  From happy, carefree, holiday spirit to pain, anxiety, hurt, and thoughts of “this is going to be TROUBLE”.

2 Corinthians 4:17, NLT For our present troubles are small and won’t last very long. Yet they produce for us a glory that vastly outweighs them and will last forever!

I’ve read that during the holiday season, many folks have that sinking feeling.  It’s a time of year when we should be joyful, happy and celebrating the birth of our Savior Jesus.  But the way our brain works sometimes, it causes us to also realize the hurts and pains in our lives.  Maybe you’ve lost loved ones, a friend is moving, health issues, things just haven’t turned out this year like they should have.  All good reasons to feel sad and experience the sinking feeling.  That sinking feeling can happen in an instant.  Your living and loving life when all of a sudden, uh oh you are “falling from a ladder”, and your sinking feeling is overwhelming you.

Look at that scripture again.  Our troubles produce a glory??  Gotta be kidding right? Well, guess not, it’s right there in the Bible.  So, I’m hearing you ask me, “How do my troubles produce a glory from and to God”?  Honestly, I don’t think I can answer for you on that one friends.

What I can say and do know is this.  I speak from experience because I have “fallen from a ladder” several different times, both physically and mentally.  While my earthly body and brain are focusing on the current hurts and troubles that I’m experiencing,  there is a spiritual part of me that remains focused on Christ.  Even when the pains of the life on Earth are giving me depression, sadness, and hurt there is a part of me that stays with God.  I know that God is staying with me.  That’s how I feel that glory is being produced.  The glory that an all powerful God is taking time to be with me is an amazing thing.  The glory that I am giving to this all knowing, all powerful God because He is with me is my humble way of giving back to God.

The troubles that you are going through right now?  I bet it’s tough.  Probably like falling from a 20 foot tall ladder.  But hear this.  Your troubles are huge because they are your very own troubles.  But compared to ……….   Hmmm, compared to……..  Wow, compared to…..  to the Great  and Everlasting Eternal Love of God, your troubles are small and won’t last very long.

I’m not putting down your troubles as a trivial and meaningless matter.  I’m lifting up your troubles to our All powerful, great and mighty God.  Jesus is Lord.  He is Lord of our lives.  He is Lord of our good times,  and ……… He is Lord of our troubles!  To God be the Glory!

Merry Christmas!

See Ya!   Dan Ainsworth wilderness preacher, full time ladder climber (to higher ground)

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