OK, I’ll Admit It, I’m A Wolf

Being What God Created. What are You?

God used a wolf to guide me to a closer relationship with Him. (Closer to God, and the wolf as well.)  Here’s what happened.

Mission Wolf is a solar powered wolf sanctuary in the remote mountains of Colorado.  (25 miles from our log cabin).  It’s a rescue place designed to make a home for wolves and wolf dog hybrids.  No more are they kept in cages, or on chains.  They are allowed to roam free in LARGE fenced, protected areas to live their lives as a wolf, not as a dog.

Each wolf here has their own story.  Some were raised to be used in a movie.  Take the movie shots, now they are not wanted.  Get rid of them.  Bummer.

Some (a lot ) of the wolves here were bred to be someones pet.  Oh how cute to have a pet wolf.  Especially a wolf puppy.  But here’s the problem!  The wolf puppy is not a dog.  He will grow up to be a wolf.

The people at Mission Wolf are very educated and helpful in explaining how wolves are designed to be the beautiful creatures God created them to be.  They explain how a wolf likes to nip and bite(playfully) as a way to show affection.  But when a human owner sees the wolf BITE, they automatically think, “Oh No!” and on a chain leash he goes!!!   Wolves also like to lick other wolves (and people) in the face and in the mouth.  This is their way of greeting.  You shake hands, you give a hug……… but a wolf will jump up to lick your face.  Ever noticed that your own little cute dog would do the same? (If you’d let him).  Yep, that cute civilized, obedient, trained dog of yours still has a “little wolf” in him.

I had my own personal meet and greet with the wolves themselves.

Yep, it’s the wolf’s way of saying, “Hey friend,  Glad to meet ya!”

Now I’ll be honest with ya.  I don’t mind getting “kissed” by the wolf.  In a strange way, it’s almost like I connect with them more closely than others.  The wolves seem to seek me out from the other people. (The owner says they know a kindred spirit. Hmmmm.) They accept me, I accept them.  For a brief moment I feel that my soul is at peace.

The owner/manager was giving us an educational tour.  He was speaking to us about the wolves and how they interact with us humans.  Then he said this……………. and I felt God speaking directly to me when he said……………“When you treat a wolf like a dog, to the wolf it’s pure torture!  Bam!!  Eye opening to me.  Life changing to me.  I’ve been taken off my chain leash and now I’m free!  LET ME EXPLAIN!!

See, on the spiritual journey that I was on,  I was expected to be a puppy dog not a wolf. Please people first, not necessarily my Saviour. A puppy dog begs, rolls over, fetches, and plays  dead on command.  A nice doggy obeys commands and directions from a man. (his owner)  He becomes a people pleaser.  We allow ourselves to get collared and chained.  We submit to a lifestyle that causes us to be only half of what we could and should be.  It’s more important to fit in and please people than to please God.  Did I actually just say that?  Are you actually living like that?  Well. when you compare your life to other Christians…… I have more faith, I go to more meetings, I donate more than she does, I try harder than they…… my friend, you just showed me your collar and leash!!  Now hold on.  Down boy.  Sit!

But a wolf,………well, he’s a wolf.  Spiritually he chases a relationship with his Lord and Saviour.  He’s alive and lives an abundant life just by BEING with his Lord.  No need to compare with other Christians.  No need to seek a petting on the head, (or a pat on the back).  No desires to become successful as defined by this world.  All these are collars and chain leashes that have been taken away. His life is filled with abundance just from BEING God’s creation and living/being with God.  What he does each and every day comes from this being with his Creator.

See, a dog fetches so he can get petted on the head.  A wolf doesn’t fetch, he CHASES.  He chases something to catch it, and EAT it. (Now that’s being real!)  A wolf doesn’t beg, roll over, and dang sho’ nuff doesn’t play dead.  He’s out there where it’s real.  He runs, he howls, he LIVES.  He has no chains, or a collar to hold him back.  He experiences life to the fullest!

A doggy has a comfortable, nice, easy, (can I say it?) BORING and “going through the motions” life.  His rewards are,…. treats, dog chow, and a people pleasing existence. I got a dog myself, I should know. Hey, I’m not knocking it, except from a wolf’s point of view it’s not enough.  So,…. spiritually are you being a puppy dog, on a leash, living life only to please people?  Or is there a wolf inside of you wanting to please God and experience a truly one on one relationship with Jesus?

Are you beginning to see the difference between Sparky and Lobo?  Is there a “little wolf” still inside of you, wanting you to take off the leash and become alive again spiritually?

1 Peter 4:10-11 God has given each of you a gift from his great variety of spiritual gifts. Use them well to serve one another. Do you have the gift of speaking? Then speak as though God himself were speaking through you. Do you have the gift of helping others? Do it with all the strength and energy that God supplies. Then everything you do will bring glory to God through Jesus Christ. All glory and power to him forever and ever! Amen.

Are you hearing what (the wolf) I’m trying to say concerning our spiritual journey?  When we live our spiritual lives like we’re a cutesy,nice, puppy dog,……. it’s pure torture.  But when we live,……. when we truly LIVE our lives being what God has created us to be……. Well, can’t you feel that “little bit of wolf” in your soul comin’ out.  Ready to Howl??

Don’t get caught in the trap of not being yourself.  The trap of not using your special gifts and abilities in your own individual way to glorify God. There is the poison of allowing others(and not the Holy Spirit) to dictate what and how you do things. There is a  deadly snare of letting this world put you down,  to fall for the trap of believing that you are not good enough, that you don’t have what it takes, or what you are or do will not amount to anything.  A wolf living in the wilderness gets to live free, but at the same time he must avoid the traps and snares set just for him.  So must you!  Live free, but avoid the traps!!

You have your own God given gifts.  Use what God has given you to come alive. Your glory is for God’s Glory!!  Don’t play fetch, but chase and follow our Lord.  Don’t roll over, but live life to the fullest!  And…..and,….. don’t play dead in this world.  But become alive spiritually by BEING What God Created You to BE!!  And LIVE!!!    AAAWWWOOOOOOO!

Dan Ainsworth wilderness preacher   Spiritually, a wolf   AAWWWOOOOOO

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3 thoughts on “OK, I’ll Admit It, I’m A Wolf

  1. Beautiful analogy, Dan! I hope we can visit this place together some day when I get to see you.

    And…if I may….that domesticated “puppy/dog” with a good owner is happy, too, because they are doing what they were made to do, also. (I liked the verse you used)

    Happy New Year, my friend!

  2. Hey Wolf Man – I’d howl at the moon but I live here in Seattle and rarely see it! Anyway, next visit let me have an encounter with the wolves so I can see how I’m doin…….
    You and I can run with the pack!!!!!