Hurt People Hurt People (Comforted people comfort others)

It’s my Birthday, let’s have knee surgery!

Yep, the ole knee needed some surgery. The Doctor said there were a couple of tears, he could go in and fix it, ………..and I would be good to go within a week! Thankfully this was not a bunch of repair or replacement work on the knee. So honestly, it hasn’t been as bad as it could have been. But,……… bad enough to cause a little pain and hurt. How do I celebrate my Birthday when I’m hurting? (Just like you, admit it right now), if you or me are hurting, it’s pretty much a given that others are going to have to hurt as well.

C’mon now. I’m admitting so you might as well admit it too. We are not the best patients. We don’t like to experience pain. If we HAVE to experience pain, then ALL of us want someone else to be right there experiencing their own pain as well. Ever notice that the people we are the closest to, and care for the most, are the ones that we jump on the quickest. Well yea,…….duh…….. they are the easiest targets. Plus, they don’t know to get out of the way. 😉

Pain , what pain!! Need to stick my arm and hook me to an IV! Bring it on lady! What now? Banged my left arm on the side rails of the bed. Who did that? Dunno, they’ve taken my glasses so I can’t see who did it. It might have been me myself. I can’t remember now cause the nite nite medicine is starting to take effect.

Whew, that was quick. I’m awake now. After I’m allowed to fully wake, in walks THAT nurse. You know, when you first go in for surgery, everybody is, “Hey, how ya doin’, oh it’s your birthday, aren’t you sweet!” But THAT nurse is like, “Hey, let’s get you out of here, NOW!!!” She’s bossing me around. Do this, do that. Oh she’s got a smile on her face because she knows the torture she’s fixing to give to me. PAIN??? When the nurse ripped off the heart monitor pads along with hair, skin, and what seemed like the very fiber of my being, what did I do? Nothing. I took it like a man! Pain?? Bring it on lady. Pain? No problem. I can handle it. Load me into the car like a sack of potatoes. Shut the car door. Smile and wave at THAT nurse as she’s headed for the next victim. I’m now headed home. What pain and hurt I will be experiencing, I will be able to handle it. How will I handle it you ask? By making sure others are hurting. Just like you remember, I’m a people. And,…. hurt people hurt people.

Staci is driving me home. That makes her the easy target. I honestly don’t mean to be short,testy, and a little on the grumpy side. The pain is not too bad, but there is enough hurt there for me to be,….. well,…..short, testy, and a little on the grumpy side.

Traffic is terrible. That’s her fault. I deserve a honey bun. We stop and it takes FOREVER for her to go get it. Since I took it “like a man” concerning all that THAT nurse did to me, I now made Staci relive the whole thing with me. “Like a man”, I’m expecting sympathy from my sweetheart. Instead I get “poor baby”. I might as well go back to sleep.

2 Corinthians 1:3 Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God.

I’m back home now, the sleepy time medicine has gone away, and most of the skin injuries from THAT nurse have started healing, I’ve got to admit something.I realize that during my time of pain and hurting, Staci was by my side comforting me.

Our God and Heavenly Father provide us with comfort from all of our troubles. He does this out of love and compassion. He also does this so that we in turn can share His comfort to others just like He does to us. Totally makes sense, except when YOU are the one hurting.

Hurt people hurt people. We see it all around us. Comforted people comfort others. Do you see much of that? Hmmm…. you yourself can take a step in showing someone some comfort. Our Lord and Saviour stands there ready to comfort you during your times of hurt. Talk with Him and to Him about your needs. Then BE a Christian and share some comfort to this hurting world. One person at a time. Even to THAT nurse!!

See Ya! Dan Ainsworth wilderness preacher.

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