Do you need to restore your joy as a Christian?

RE-store, RE-condition, RE-connect, RE-vive!

RE-store, RE-condition, RE-connect, RE-vive!

After 15 years, I’ve decided our deck needs to be worked on.  It’s weathered, cracking, splintering, and you know, just wearing down from the forces of nature.  The Mississippi sunshine beats down on it.  The rain has a big part in wearing down this decking.  Also the human traffic, dragging chairs and furniture, the salt and chlorine from the pool….(even the cat who claws the post). Any and everything that can wear this wooden deck down is in high gear to try to turn it from a well conditioned deck into a rotting mass of wood and decay.

Until! ………..  DadadaDAAAAA! (Musical Intro!)  Until I hear about the 40% off all paint at the paint store.  My wife and daughter always tell me they shop because of sales.  (Seems like they always BUY because of sales too).  Well, I’m joining in myself.  Save 40%, so I’ll buy a bunch of buckets of paint for that deck of mine.

I’ve known for quite some time that the deck was needing a RE– conditioning.  I’ve just let it rock on.  The store has a paint that will RE-store your deck.  It also will RE-condition, and RE-vive.  Even says on the paint can that it will “make it like brand new again”.  I’m wondering if it works that well if I can take a drink of it.  A big ole swig just might be what I need for myself.

Restore unto me the joy of your salvation, and let a willing attitude control me Psalms 51:12  International Standard Version

OK, personal question here….. Is the joy of being a Christian fading, being worn away, and is being lost from all the weathering in your earthly life?  Well, it’s time to get RE- ‘d.  Anything that begins with RE-.   Restored, revived, realigned, reconnected, recharged, rekindled, REVIVED.

What’s amazing is that God Himself will be the one that restores you.  You are the one that must become motivated enough to ask for this reconditioning.  It’s a process between you and God.  It may not be an overnight thing.  It might take a “couple of coats”.  You gotta believe that your Lord and Saviour wants you to have a life that’s protected from this world’s harm.  You gotta believe that He knows and cares about your condition.  You gotta believe. You do don’t you?

See Ya!  Dan Ainsworth wilderness preacher




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