A Bad Connection

Beep Beep BEEEP!!! A Check Trailer Wiring error is showing on my truck panel. There it goes again Beep Beep BEEEP! All I can think of that caused this was that I hit a bump in the road and Boom!

The irritating noise began . A check trailer wiring signal is blinking like a non stop Christmas light and the irritating noise is causing me, well to get irritated.

I stop after many miles of this torture to check on the problem. Like all guys who honestly don’t know much about their vehicles, it’s google to the rescue. You ever done that? You know, google your latest problem, whether it’s a health problem, or in this situation a mechanical issue. Happens every time, You have to read the worse possible scenario. Health issue? Yep search reveals you may have a rare incurable disease. Search for this particular mechanical situation concerning a Check Wiring irritating signal. Yep, got to take it to the dealership to replace a faulty thingamabog that’s causing the whatchamadoodle to show an error. (told ya I wasn’t much of a mechanic.)

But there was in my search somewhere that said maybe check your connection to the trailer. Can’t hurt so I give it a try . I unhook the cable from the RV that hooks to the truck grab the connector and give it a few whacks against the bumper. Why you say do I do this? Because I can’t kick it. Most of my mechanical issues that I’m not able to solve involve giving the object a good kick. A good kick relieves the stress every time and on occasion has been known to somehow fix the problem.

Look what shows up after a couple whacks.

Look at that dirt! There’s enough dirt in there to plant a couple of tomato plants! Dunno how it got in there, but it’s out now. I plug the connector back in to the truck and …….. it’s working. No error messages and no irritating beeping. The problem has been solved which makes me one small step closer to becoming a good mechanic after all.

There are times when all of us face a loss of connection whether in our vehicles or in our hearts.

Psalm 51:10 Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me.

Psalm 51:12 Restore unto me the joy of thy salvation; and uphold me with thy free spirit.

On your spiritual journey, you hit a “bump in the road” and get that irritating feeling that somehow you have become disconnected from God. Deep down maybe you sense the error messages letting you know that some dirt/sin has come between you and God. That by the way is the definition of sin. Anything that comes between you and God is sin. Yep, it’s irritating you isn’t it?

So just how can you give your soul a few whacks to clean out the dirt/sin? Prayer. Praying to God, asking Jesus to renew, reconnect, and restore the connection between the two of you. It may involve asking for forgiveness. To ask for and be given forgiveness for whatever dirt that is between you and God is where we get to see God’s grace, His mercy, and His love. Focusing on God’s Greatness and not on your dirt brings back the joy.

See Ya! Dan Ainsworth, Wilderness Preacher, driving somewhere across Texas, renewed and reconnected

I’ve been writing a book. The very rough draft of this book has been written. It needs polishing, editing, and given a look over by others who have done this before. So stay tuned, it will be finished in the future. In the meantime, I’m back in the saddle writing this blog. My hope and prayer is that you join me on this journey. When you ask to see God in everything, you start seeing God in everything!

Stay in touch! Drop me an email. Share your times of reconnection

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5 thoughts on “A Bad Connection

  1. Great words, Dan. Good to hear from you again. Welcome back to MS I hear is in order. But you know what they say about things you hear. Reconnecting —— I’m gonna have to think on this a while. So many times in my life I’ve had to reconnect.

  2. Good to see the blog back…will have to watch for that book! Next time you’re “driving somewhere across Texas” if you’re anywhere near Wichita Falls, look us up! And from a couple of the other comments do I detect y’all are no longer in CO?? (us either)