When Garbage Leads To “Stinkin’ Thinkin'”

Oh Boy! That’s a lot of garbage! It’s right in front of my Christmas decorations I’m in the process of putting up. Why so much garbage?

Everyday life brings with it the garbage. Milk jug, plastic bags, food wrappers, food scraps, junk mail, cardboard, more paper from the mail, a pair of worn out socks,…… it goes on and on and on! What’s worse,……. I didn’t get the trash out in time last week so now it’s piling up from my being late and careless.

Our garbage is picked up every Thursday morning. Sometimes they don’t drive their big garbage truck by till after noon. But today they decided to come early. I mean it must have been at sunrise early. I got the garbage out at a normal time. For me it was a normal time, but the trash guys had already come and gone. I realized this later when I went to town and saw EVERYBODY’S garbage picked up but mine. Now What?

Well, guess I’ll have to keep up with it till next Thursday. Yep, keep up with the old garbage and at the same time, the new everyday regular garbage keeps coming. It’s stacking up….. overflowing,….. TAKING OVER!!!!!!!

Psalm 51: 10 -12 Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me.  Cast me not away from thy presence; and take not thy holy spirit from me.  Restore unto me the joy of thy salvation; and uphold me with thy free spirit.

I experienced an episode of “stinkin’ thinkin'” the other day. You know what I’m talking about. When your head get filled with doubts, problems, pressures, aggravations (I got put on hold for 45 minutes gggrrrrr). Everyday activities brings with them the everyday “garbage ” thoughts that have to be handled. Most of the time you and I can handle them with a “normal” amount of brain usage! But then for whatever reasons, the thought processes that allow us to function in our everyday lives becomes backed up with garbage. Trash, garbage, junk, …….we get overrun and the “stinkin thinkin” takes over. What’s the cure?

Let’s see. A cure for garbage thoughts in my head,……. I got it. any of the following will do: vacation, massage, food, a “take my mind off of it” movie, even a Hallmark movie, more food, and CHOCOLATE!!!

All of the above work for me. Well, maybe not the Hallmark movie that I’ve seen twice already. Seriously, I bet these work for you too. But for only so long, then the garbage “stinkin’ thinkin'” starts piling up again.

The best cure for stinkin’ thinkin’…………. is an everyday walk with God. The garbage that gets into our heads is still an issue, but with God’s help it gets taken out and doesn’t back up and take over. I’m so grateful that our Lord and Saviour is there to walk and talk with me each and everyday. I’m glad that He doesn’t just show up in my life every Thursday morning with His great big “Trash truck”.

Focus on the blessing that God is with you each and every day. Him being with you, that’s a blessing right there. Jesus going where you go. You going where He goes. As everyday life throws garbage at you, have you ever thought about how God reaches around you and grabs that “empty can”, “banana peel”, or “‘tater chip bag”, and says “I’ve got that.”

I’m not trying to make this a trivial and belittling thing about God’s Power and Glory. What I want you to understand is this.

Give your life to God. Give your whole life to God. Surrender everything you have to Him. Yep, everything. Give Him your time, talents, money…….. everything. But ALSO, ….. ALSO,.. give Him your garbage, your trash, junk, and all the”crap” going on in your life.

“Lord will you please help me and my friends here, with our “stinkin’ thinkin’ “. I surrender it all. Like that song You keep placing in my path everyday says, “God you’ve got all my victories, and God you’ve got all my defeats” Thanks for BEING with me each and everyday. I’m wanting this Christmas to be less about the garbage piling up and more,more, more about God, and what You mean to me. Amen.

See Ya! Dan Ainsworth wilderness preacher

I Wonder What They’re Thinking

Most of the time they truly like each other, but then there are times when they fight. Well, they fight like cats and dogs! When they think I’m not looking, (or they just forget that I’m there), that’s when it happens. One will steal the other’s food. One will go into “attack mode” for no reason at all. One irritates the other, the other irritates right back. Both of these animals are mine. I claim them both. I feed, protect, and love on both of them. I got more than enough for the both of them. They got it made. And yet, there is something inside of them,…… when they forget I’m there, or they just can’t control themselves,…….. BOOM there goes a swat, a bark, the stealing of food. Why can’t they get along?

A little background on my pets/ fur babies/ 4 legged children. Dudley, the dog, came to us as a little puppy. He was picked from a litter, selected because of his nature of being a companion. Where ever Staci goes, The big Dud goes too. Oh, he’s got a little wolfy blood in him so he hangs around me as well 😉 Friendly, sweet, and a people loving puppy, he’s been around for 9 years.

Katrina, called Kat for short has been around since hurricane Katrina in 2005. (14 yrs old) After the hurricane passed over our property, there was this tiny little kitten about 20 feet high in the tree next to our house. I took pity on this poor, hungry, scared little kitty cat. Poor thing was starving. She was in the tree meowin’ her head off. I placed some food and milk at the base of the tree……… and she’s been here ever since.

Funny thing is, to this day, her meower doesn’t work. What that means is this. When most cats make a noise it comes out MMEEOOWW! Kat makes a noise that comes out like this. MMEEE. Aside from her meower not working, she’s a typical cat. But, she was wild from the get go. It was years before she would let me pet her. She’s very aloof, likes being alone, and is still an excellent hunter. (She’s always brought gifts to us. mice, moles, a squirrel, birds, etc) Would leave them right in the front door step way for Staci to see.

Since both animals belong to me, they have had to come to an understanding with each other, and with me. No fighting. No growling, hissing, swatting, chasing, none of that dog-vs-cat stuff.

For the most part, they have been excellent companions in the Ainsworth household. It’s just when they forget I’m around. That’s why I wonder what they are thinking sometimes. How can they forget that I’m around? I mean, I provide for them, where they live is mine in the first place. Yet, something comes over them and they forget. Their little ole cat and dog minds get filled up with “it’s mine cause I want it” attitudes. Next thing you know, I have to step in with the classic phrase, “Hey, you two cut it out or I’ll whoop both of ya’!”

1 John 4:7 Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God.

These two wouldn’t have any love for each other if it wasn’t for me. The only reason they love, (and they truly do) each other is because of me. My love is there because these pets belong to me.

So,……. you see where I’m headed with this. You belong to the Kingdom of God. Doesn’t matter if you got “picked” or He found you in the middle of a storm. You are His. You and I have got it made. God provides for us. We get to live with Him.

But whenever we “forget that God’s around”, that’s when we go back to the “it’s mine cause I want it” way of thinking. Better be careful! You especially don’t want to hear God say, “Hey, you two better cut that out.” Oh, and He will whoop the both of ya. There are many instances in the Bible where people didn’t get along. They were basically fighting like cats and dogs. Why? What were they thinking? Dunno. Basically it always boils down to this. They forgot that God was around.

Live your life focused on God’s Love. Even if you’re a “dog” or a “cat”. Everybody knows who you are. (even if you’re meower doesn’t work). When you and I realize that we BOTH belong to God, it makes for a much more happy family atmosphere. I live because of God’s Love.

Lord, help me to show others Your love that is in me. I love that cat and that dog. This love for my pets is but a small token example of the love You have for me. Could you help me not to forget that You are always around. Amen.

See Ya! Dan Ainsworth wilderness preacher

Birds of the Air

I feel like I’m at an airport.  This picture is showing pinion jays cruising in and out on their natural runways.  It doesn’t take long for these birds to find the food in my bird feeders.  Chickadees, jays, nuthatches, woodpeckers, red-winged blackbirds, grosbeaks, and some sparrows all come to dine at Dan and Staci’s buffet tree feeder.  Dang chipmunks and squirrels drop by as well.

They are all welcome.  It’s a joy and delight to watch these birds every morning,  Grab a cup of coffee, grab a front row seat (by the fireplace), and let the show begin.  Constant fly-ins, fly-outs, fly-bys, flying using those wonderful feathers God gave them to use.

 Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?  Matthew 6:26

Hmmm…. if I just filled the bird feeders with sunflower seeds, then this can mean that God is using me to feed HIS birds !   In some small and seemingly insignificant way I’m being used by my God to fulfill His desires and His plans.  Never looked at it this way, just thought I was feeding the birds.

Maybe you have a bird feeder.  Hmmm……….maybe you have a “people feeder”.  What I’m getting at is this.  Each and everyday day you get a chance, an opportunity to help another person as they travel on their own journey.  It may seem small and insignificant….until you realize that God can use you and your “oh,it’s no big deal” opportunities…… to further His desires and His plans in other peoples lives.

Being used by God for His Purpose, His Desires, His Glory……… that’s a pretty good place to be!  It gives you a chance to bless and be blessed.  Being a part of God’s plan and handiwork is truly a desire of mine.  You and I don’t need to belittle or “shoot down” our small times of helping others.  A kind word here, a thoughtful act there, a prayer given for someone, a Christian deed done for another person,……..it all gives Glory back to God!

So,……put out a “people feeder” in your spiritual journey.  Fill it with whatever “bird seed” God’s given you to share.  It might be He’s given you His love to share.  Or share some of your  kindness, faith, and hope to others in this world.  After all, Jesus was given to you and me.  We in turn can share.  Small and insignificant you may think, but in the big picture you and your activities are fitting into the plans of God.

Helping somebody with a flat tire, letting someone use your phone, cheerful words, take ’em with ya to eat, ……..just listening to someone…., I could go on and on.  These are just the “bird seeds” that this someone needed.  Look-a-there!!   Your Heavenly Father feeds the birds of the air.  He also “feeds” His children!  And,…….you get to be a part of it!!

See Ya!  Dan Ainsworth wilderness preacher