The Silver and Gold Mine

Looking For Faith is like looking for Gold!

Here’s the silver and gold mine on our property here in Colorado.  It hasn’t been worked hard by anyone since back in the late 1800’s/early 1900…….. well except for me now.  I’ve been down there digging.  Digging for gold.  Digging for silver, or any other precious metal.

So many questions.  Why did the miners pick this particular spot to dig?  A certain rock outcropping?  A certain boulder showing promise?  And why did they quit digging after going several feet back into the side of the mountain?  Probably wasn’t worth the effort.  What I’ve been told is that there is gold and silver all over this part of the mountains.  It’s just that you have to mine through several tons of dirt to get the few ounces of gold/silver.  Question….. would you do it?

I’ve got to do a little more studying, (or bring someone who knows to my mine).  There are all types of different colored rock, different veins showing in these rocks.  I’m wondering if I’m literally sitting on a gold mine.  Or maybe it’s just a big pile of dirt!!  I guess there is only one way to find out.  Dig, baby, dig.  Search, sift, dig some more, inspect, then share it with someone who knows more than I.

What a God we have! And how fortunate we are to have him, this Father of our Master Jesus! Because Jesus was raised from the dead, we’ve been given a brand-new life and have everything to live for, including a future in heaven—and the future starts now! God is keeping careful watch over us and the future. The Day is coming when you’ll have it all—life healed and whole.  I know how great this makes you feel, even though you have to put up with every kind of aggravation in the meantime. Pure gold put in the fire comes out of it proved pure; genuine faith put through this suffering comes out proved genuine. When Jesus wraps this all up, it’s your faith, not your gold, that God will have on display as evidence of his victory.  1 Peter msg

Faith is better than gold.  But just like the gold in my own little mine, a lot of “dirt” has to be refined away to see the pure faith.  This dirt is what you and I would call testing, trials, tribulations, or in everyday talk,…….. it’s what happens to us in everyday life.  The good , the bad, the ugly, the stuff we don’t understand, the things that happen around us that have an effect on us.  It’s the every day activities that you and I go through.

Each and everyday you and I are being “refined” so that our faith can be seen.  Seen by whom?  Seen by others, but seen and felt by YOU, and by God!  How to we find this faith?

Consequently, faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word about Christ. Romans 10:17

Well, the scriptures are telling us that faith comes from hearing the word about Christ.  For you to get and grow your own faith, then Dig, baby, dig.  Search, sift, dig some more, inspect, then share it with someone who knows more than you.  That would be the Holy Spirit.  Dig in the Bible, pray for guidance.  Search for true answers about this Christian way of life.

You’ll have to dig and remove a lot of “dirt” as you look for the valuable Faith that you are looking for.

I’ve been told that unlike gold, your faith can grow.  And you only need the faith the size of this dot [.]  It’s there for your taking.  I’ve been told that Jesus wants to give us all the chance to grow and become more faithful to Him.  It’s there for the asking.  Question…… would you do it?

Any Hope For the Next Generation?

Wondering What Their Future Will Be

I’m wondering what the future holds for my son and daughter. What does the future hold for all you guys in your 20’s and 30’s?  Even those in your 40’s.

It’s a whole different world out there.  I know, I know,……. I’m gonna sound like an “old geiser” whose wishin’ for the old days, but my oh my, how this world is changing.

I grew up making a living by mostly working on a tractor, working on a farm for my living.  Actually there have been many different careers that I have been involved in to pay the bills.  From working on the farm with cattle, gardens, and chickens to selling insurance and mutual funds, digging graves, and owning a funeral home.  What I’ve learned on this career journey is preparing me for what’s to come as I enter the final quarter of my life.

The newer generation is also learning as they begin their careers.  But whew………. what’s out there today for them to have to be involved in.  GOOD and BAD!!!

I got my knowledge from reading books (even the encyclopedias…… man I do sound like an old geezer).  They get theirs, well shoot, they just google and ask Siri.  Even gettin’ me to look things up that way.

I got the world’s news from reporters.  They get theirs from “talking heads”.  They get theirs from people who take what’s truly happening and “spin it” to meet specific goals and agendas.  Where’s the truth?  How is anyone supposed to know what is truly happening?

This newer generation spends time with a bent neck looking down at their phones or whatever devices to see who is socially interacting with them.  How many likes, how many views.  Back in the day, the only electrical device I bent my neck down to watch was the toaster!  (I know, I’m an old timer.)

Anywhere you look it seems that people are getting angry/impatient/selfish and troubled.  I guess I was too busy back in the day on the tractor with cows and the dog to notice the angry and troubled people then.

 But God shows his anger from heaven against all sinful, evil men who push away the truth from them.   For the truth about God is known to them instinctively;  God has put this knowledge in their hearts.  Since earliest times men have seen the earth and sky and all God made, and have known of his existence and great eternal power. So they will have no excuse when they stand before God at Judgment Day.

   Yes, they knew about him all right, but they wouldn’t admit it or worship him or even thank him for all his daily care. And after a while they began to think up silly ideas of what God was like and what he wanted them to do. The result was that their foolish minds became dark and confused.  Claiming themselves to be wise without God, they became utter fools instead.  Romans 1:18-22

That scripture was written a couple of thousand years ago. Hmm……., I guess the world hasn’t changed that much after all.  Maybe things just happen faster nowadays.

Here’s some advice from someone in the 4th quarter of his life.   Someone who can say, “I have been with God on this journey,….. and He has been with me.  That makes me a HAVE been not a “has been”.  This someone is me.  My advice to the newer generations?………..

Don’t become wise without God.  This world is crazy enough without you becoming mixed up in it.  Stay above the fray.  Be in the world but NOT of the world.  Make sure God is with you.  Most of all,…….. make sure you are WITH God.  There’s not enough time in this blog to tell you all you need to know about this life and journey.  It will take time to learn,…… it will take a life time!  Make sure your life is ALIVE!  How does one do that?  That’s the mystery of this spiritual journey you and I are own.  There are highs and there are lows.  Ups and downs, but stay focused on your Lord and Saviour Jesus.

I have been and will continue to be.  Since I have been, this means that I am not a “has been”.  I firmly have hope for these newer generations.  Hope, not in worldly craziness, but in God’s eternal stability and support……. for them.

My 4th quarter has begun.  My son taught me that the last two minutes of the ball game were the most important.  All the other time in the game is leading up to this most important time.  I agree.  I say it again!  I have been and will continue to be.  Since I have been and am BEING, this means that I am not a “has been”.  My 4th quarter will involve interacting more with these newer generations.  I may not physically be on my tractor plowing new ground and cultivating the soil,……. but that prepared me for my time now of plowing new relationships with people and cultivating friendships with others on this spiritual journey we are all own.

I have hope for these newer generations.  If you don’t,……. I KNOW WHERE YOU CAN FIND SOME!!

See Ya!   Dan Ainsworth wilderness preacher

The First Christmas Without My Father

Yep, I Am My Father's Son

This is my first Christmas without my Father.  He passed away back in May.  In memory of him we had a breakfast of big biscuits, BACON!!, deer sausage,… and fried squirrel (his favorite).

Over all these years, I learned a lot from my Dad.  Here’s one of the many stories.  I was about 12 years old.  It was Christmas Day, but we were out early giving hay to the cows.  Back then, it didn’t matter what was happening, there were farm chores that had to be done.  Feeding the cows their daily ration of hay was one of them.   So we left the house a little early to get this done that day.  I’m twelve, but I’m feeling just as big a man as anybody.  See, Daddy would drive the truck into the field.  I would jump on back of the truck and throw the bales of hay off for the cows.  (AND I GOT TO USE A KNIFE!!).  For a young fellow, the excitement of using a knife to cut the baling twine from the hay bales was…….. (well, you just have to be a twelve year old to know how that feels)

We are trying to finish early with the feeding. One more small herd of cattle on the way back home to feed.  Then it’s back to the house and play with Christmas presents and eat,eat, and eat.  But first we had to stop by a house.  The house was one of the part time workers that would help occasionally with our farm.  As I remember, Daddy went in and gave the guy some money owed him.  I stayed in the truck warming up with the heater on, as it was really cold that day.

My Father comes out shaking his head, gets in the truck, and says to me, “He doesn’t have anything for Christmas.  He’s not celebrating or nothing!”

I guess that’s all that Daddy needed to see.  We go straight back to the house.  He tells me to wait in the truck.  It didn’t take him long to come back out with a grocery bag.  It was filled with oranges, some sticks of peppermint candy, and a few odds and ends from the food pantry.  Nothing special, no toys, no big surprises.  He told me as we were driving back to the man’s house that oranges and fruit was what my Daddy himself would get for Christmas.  Oh, occasionally they would get a toy or new clothes, but they could count on the oranges and fruit each Christmas.

We made it back to the man’s house.  Daddy got out, carried the grocery bag in, didn’t stay but a minute, and was back in the truck driving towards our home.  and he said, “Now he’s got Christmas.  He may not like oranges like I do, but at least He’s got Christmas!”

So what do you and I do when a loved one is no longer with us for the Holidays?  Well, we keep their traditions going, Don’t ya think?

This Christmas Day, some of my family and I will go somewhere to someone who is not having a Christmas.  It may be a needy family, or someone at the gas station, or maybe the waitress or one of the food servers that have to work on Christmas.  (Wherever my Heavenly Father gives me an opportunity) I will go and give them a present.  When I get back in my car, I will then say, “He/She may not like the present as much as I do, but at least He/She’s got Christmas!”

Yep, I am my Father’s Son!!!!!

But the angel said unto them, “Do not be afraid.  I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people.”  Luke 2:10 

I spend a lot of time with my Heavenly Father as well.  He’s teaching me a lot!  One of the many things, I’ve learned from Him is this.  This world can sure use a lot more love.  My Heavenly Father has filled me with His Love, Mercy, and Forgiveness till I’m overflowing with it.  So,………. I choose to go out and give some of that love away.  To a stranger, someone I’ve just met, an old friend……………  and to you reading this.  There is a great news of great joy I want to share with all people.  It’s the news of living a Christian Life.  I want to share it with you!!  Truly Merry CHRISTmas!!!!

There, you may not like it as much as I do, but you now have a little Christmas for yourself,…….. and maybe enough for you to now share with others.

Yep, I am my Heavenly Father’s child!!

(UPDATE)  At Daddy’s funeral a man came up to me and said he was a grandson of someone who use to work for my Dad.  Pretty sure because of what he told me his Grandfather was the one that got the oranges.

Merry Christmas!!!  Look for opportunities to “give a gift” to someone.

I thank ALL of you for reading this blog.  For sharing this with others, and for being with me on this journey, THANKS!  I’m looking forward to this new year!  Tell your friends to “saddle up” and join us!   We are all riding “different horses” but we are headed to the same destination!

SEE YA!!!! Dan Ainsworth wilderness preacher, spreading Christmas Cheer just like Both of my Fathers!!!