The birds and the bees



I told my wife, Staci, that I was going to write today and tell all I know about the birds and bees.  She said “Well, that won’t take long”.  Bam!    Grrrrr 😉


These are my bees

These are my bees

As most of you know, I’ve just started beekeeping.  Gonna make me some wilderness preacher honey!  Well, today I noticed this pretty little red bird perched beside one of my bee hives.  I was surprised to see her dart out in front of the hive and catch a bee in flight.  Wait a minute, these are MY bees. I have spent MY time and MY money.  This is for a good cause. I can’t have this.  No way am I going to let this bird eat MY bees.  Where’s my BB gun.  I don’t care how pretty she is, she’s going down.  My anger has taken over my walk today.

This pretty bird eats bees

This pretty bird eats bees

James 1:19-21New International Version (NIV)19 My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, 20 because human anger does not produce the righteousness that God desires.

This is a hard pill to swallow.  When we become angry about MY stuff, is it because we now are self- righteous, not seeking God’s righteousness anymore?  On the spiritual journey, the “my stuff” may be my works, my pew, my special mission project, my way of singing, my way of praying, my fill in the blank.  My, my, my, we’ve allowed something good to turn into something bad.  Even to the point that all our good things (being righteous) is getting in the way of seeking God’s righteousness.  Uh oh!

You see, this little red bird, (a tanager) will eat 8 or 10 bees a day.  The queen bee will lay up to 2,000 eggs a day.  That’s right 2,000.  I’m getting angry over letting this bird pick off 10 of my bees.  So angry that I lose sight of the 2,000 replacing them.  The same way with self-righteousness.  If you become self righteous in your spiritual walk, you lose sight of God’s true righteousness.  Angry over your 10, not seeking God’s 2,000.  …….. you get the idea.  I don’t like people becoming Pharisees, all high and mighty, all stuck on themselves and their self righteousness.  My, my, my.  That’s not what God desires.

As a Christian, you are going to get “picked off 8 or 10 ” times a day.  It may not be from a pretty little red bird.  It may be from friends, church folks, family, or the world in general.  But friend, when God’s there with His righteousness (of 2000),  stay focused on His Love. And share it!  Stay focused on His blessings.  And share them.  Stay focused on all that He’s doing and being in your life.  And share it.  When you get “picked off” but it’s from what God has put in your heart, well there’s lots more from where that came from.

God created the birds and the bees. (for us to enjoy I might add)  Don’t miss out on God’s abundance and  His righteousness, by limiting yourself because of your self-righteousness.  Who died and made you King?

Your self-righteousness, (I’ve got this God,… it’s for something good,…. and I’m good enough to do it myself,….  that’s why I call it mine), will limit you from God’s righteousness.

Allowing God’s righteousness to pass through you, ( His love, His forgiveness, His peace that passes all understanding),  will give you true righteousness from God, not from yourself.  He died, so that He could be your loving King.   This is God’s desire.

See Ya!  Dan   wilderness preacher