I heard the Winds of Change

hearing the winds of change in the pines at the cabin

hearing the winds of change in the pines at the cabin

I heard it.  No, not the song, but the actual winds of change.  The long hot summer is over.  The fall season and changes are on the way.

Last Friday, (another hot and humid Mississippi day) was different from all the other days of summer.  A cold front passed over that afternoon and I got to witness the change.  I heard a different sound from the wind.  If you are a serious deer hunter, duck hunter, or even a gardener I bet you’ve heard it.  I’m sure there is a scientific reason that the wind sounds different when seasons change.  Here, the wind almost always blows from the south/ southwest.  Maybe the pine needles grow according to the predominant winds.  Just a slight change in the angle of the growth.  I’m no scientist.  I just report on what I observe.  I heard a difference in the wind!

What did it sound like?  well, a whispering, blowing, swooshing sound.  I know, I know that’s how everyday wind is described.  But, this sound of the wind was different.  Maybe I took the opportunity to stop and listen.  (I was mowing at the time.)  Maybe it was because the mystery caught my attention.  Maybe I should just focus on the beauty of the sound (and that I could hear it!) and not worry so much about how/why it happens.

The winds of change gave me a sense of excitement.  Knowing that the dreary days of hot summer were about over.  Knowing that cooler days are on the way.  Knowing that there is a God  who gives me a blessing of hearing the wind.  Not a blessing of no financial difficulties, not a blessing of no heartaches, not even a blessing of a new car.  Just a blessing of hearing Him in the wind. I’ll take that!  Hearing and knowing that He is there.

Psalms 104 is a lengthy chapter that gives praises to God for all His creation.  Verse 4 says “He makes winds his messenger…..” Read the whole chapter for a Praise time just  between you and God! I heard the winds of change. Did I hear a message from God in the wind?       Yes!     What did it sound like?  Well, a whispering, blowing, swooshing sound.  I know, I know….  But hearing God is different. How do you know if you’ve heard from God?  It’s a wind of change.  It’s differentIt causes you to focus different.  It causes you to be different.

Take the time to stop and listen.  Enjoy the mystery of your Christian journey. Focus on each small blessing.  You are becoming a “wind of change” to your family and friends.

See Ya!  Dan  wildernesspreacher



Family Gator Hunt happy hearts/ smiling faces


The trip was full of obstacles and distractions

The trip was full of FUN!!

Headed out on our first ever Mississippi alligator hunt we faced problems.  The weather was not ideal.  We got lost. Somebody (oops, me) forgot the plug in the boat.  Where did all these bugs come from.  Bug spray must be made out of sugar water!!  We snagged, but lost a HUGE gator. Our guide (my huntin’ buddy Jeffrey(let’s git em)Walker) is killing himself trying to make this trip work. A pole broke.  I got a sore throat.  I could go on and on. (Whine,whine,whine)

I think I will go on!  In spite of problems, obstacles, distractions, you name it……… we had the BEST time together.

A video is in the works, but allow me to share what happened.  Being together with family and best friend…… facing problems together….. sharing with each other the good and bad……. and celebrating a successful hunt.  That somehow made this one of the most meaningful family “adventures” we’ve been on.

It’s the same way in our spiritual journeys.  Obstacles and distractions ( too busy, interrupted prayers and quiet times, doubts and fears of our own making, you name it.  You could go on and on.  If only I could _________, then my spiritual life would get better.  (Whine, whine, whine)

Well friend, I want you to go on!  In spite of problems, obstacles, distractions, you name it………. Keep Going!!!!!!  Our God is there!  He’s in the boat with you. Laugh with Him, Rejoice with/in Him.  Celebrate!!

Proverbs 15: 13  A happy heart makes the face cheerful……..